Price Calculator

Price calculator form

You can use our price calculator to find out how much your trip to a specific destination would cost. Prices include VAT.


Postal code: *

Street: *

House number: *

Additional address

Additional address 1

Postal code: *

Street: *

House number: *

Additional address 2

Postal code: *

Street: *

House number: *

Additional address 3

Postal code: *

Street: *

House number: *




Hand luggage:

Booster seat:

Child seat:

Baby carrier:

Price: €0.00

In total: €0.00

Total price incl. duties/VAT and all surcharges.

Important Information

If you make your reservation too late, we cannot guarantee the availability of a car despite automatic confirmation via the Internet.

Waiting time up to 5 minutes is free, after that €5 extra for every 5 minutes (towards the airport).

If the reservation is made on time, we can guarantee the availability of a car despite automatic confirmation via the Internet.

Return journey with the same conditions as outward journey (number of pieces of luggage and vehicle) - if different conditions, please enter return journey separately.

VERY IMPORTANT: TURN ON YOUR MOBILE PHONE after landing so that the driver can contact you by phone!!! If no contact has been made, call us immediately: +43 681 81 907 193. The meeting point will be announced by the chauffeur.