Privacy & Policy


1. Internet Explorer: Deleting and Managing Cookies

If you do not want data to be stored in cookies, you can set your browser to inform you about the setting of cookies, and you only allow this in individual cases. You can delete cookies already on your computer or deactivate cookies at any time. The procedure for doing this varies depending on the browser. It is best to search for the instructions in Google using the search term “delete cookies Chrome” or “deactivate cookies Chrome” in the case of a Chrome browser or replace the word “Chrome” with the name of your browser, e.g. B. Edge, Firefox, Safari.

If you generally do not allow us to use cookies, i.e. deactivate them via your browser setting, some functions and pages may not work as expected.

2. Newsletter Data Protection Declaration

If you register for our newsletter, you provide the above-mentioned personal data and give us the right to contact you by email. We use the data stored when registering exclusively for our newsletter and do not pass it on. If you unsubscribe from the newsletter - you will find the link at the bottom of every newsletter - then we will delete all saved data when you register for the newsletter.

3. Google Fonts Privacy Policy

Our website uses Google Fonts from Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA). The use of Google Fonts takes place without authentication and no cookies are sent to the Google Fonts API. If you have a Google account, none of your Google account information will be transmitted to Google while using Google Fonts. Google only records the use of CSS and fonts and stores this data securely. You can find out more about these and other questions at You can find out which data is collected by Google and what this data is used for at

4. Google Maps Privacy Policy

We use Google Maps from Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) on our website. By using the functions of this map, data is transferred to Google. You can find out which data is collected by Google and what this data is used for at

5. Google Analytics Privacy Policy

This website uses Google Analytics from Google LLC (1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) to statistically evaluate visitor data. Google Analytics uses targeted cookies.

6. Cookies from Google Analytics

Expiry time: 2 years
Use: Differentiation of website visitors
Example value: GA1.2.1326744211.152221062986
Expiry time: 24 hours
Use: Differentiation of website visitors
Example value: GA1.2.1687193234.152221062986
Expiry time: 1 minute
Usage: Used to throttle the request rate. If Google Analytics is provided via Google Tag Manager, this cookie is named dc_gtm <property-id>.
Example value: 1
Further information on terms of use and data protection can be found at or

7. Pseudonymization

Our concern within the meaning of the GDPR is to improve our offering and website. Since the privacy of our users is important to us, the user data is pseudonymized. Data processing is carried out based on the legal provisions of Section 96 Paragraph 3 TKG and Article 6 EU GDPR Paragraph 1 lit a (consent) and/or f (legitimate interest) of the GDPR.

8. Deactivation of Data Collection by Google Analytics

Using the Google Analytics JavaScript Opt-out Browser Add-on (ga.js, analytics.js, dc.js), website visitors can prevent Google Analytics from using their data.

You can prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website and from processing this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link:

9. Google Analytics Addition to Data Processing

We have entered into a direct customer agreement with Google for using Google Analytics by accepting the “Data Processing Addendum” in Google Analytics.

You can find out more about the addition to data processing for Google Analytics here:

10. Google Analytics IP Anonymization

We have implemented IP address anonymization from Google Analytics on this website. This function was developed by Google so that this website can comply with the local data protection authorities' applicable data protection regulations and recommendations if they prohibit the storage of the full IP address. The IP's anonymisation or masking occurs as soon as the IP addresses arrive in the Google Analytics data collection network and before the data is stored or processed. You can find more information about IP anonymization at

11. Google Analytics Reports on Demographics and Interests

We have activated the advertising reporting functions in Google Analytics. Demographics and interest reports include information about age, gender, and interests. This allows us to get a better picture of our users - without being able to assign this data to individual people.

You can find out more about the advertising functions at By checking the box, you can stop using the activities and information from your Google account under “Advertising Settings” at

Source: Created with the Imprint Generator from in cooperation with